
Saturday 28 September 2019

Barbara Avon



1) Where do you live? 

Ottawa, Canada

2) What is the first thing you remember writing?  

It was a short story in grade 9 English class. My teacher made me read it out loud to the class. You can imagine how uncomfortable it was for a shy, awkward girl to do that, but it was the catalyst I needed to lead me to today. (And earned me an A +!)

3) Why do you write? 

The stories are all that matter. My greatest wish is for my readers to fall in love with my characters. If the readers can take something away from my stories (horror, shock, a sense of renewed hope), I call that success.

4) Have you published any of your work?  

By month's end, I will have self-published 17 books, including 3 children's books, and 2 novellas.

5) What are you currently writing? 

"Postscript" is a paranormal romance set in the Fall of 1985 and includes flashbacks to 1918. My protagonist, Jameson Brooks prefers to keep love at bay. Until he meets Lina. Mortality becomes his greatest enemy. There are horror and suspense elements in this story. It's set to be released soon and I'm excited to share!

6) Are you currently querying? 

No, I'm an Independent Author.

7) Finish this sentence (three lines or less):

is something I've actually never seen as an opening to a book. However cliche it is, it can work! Don't ever fall victim to "so called rules".

8) Which activities do you like to participate in, in the Twitter writing community (VSS365, etc.)? 

I write a #Vss365 everyday. I also love #Satsplat, #LilLuvStory, #1LineWed, #Converstory and more.

9) Do you have any formal training/education for writing? 

No, I don't.

10) Do the people in your life know that you write? 

Absolutely! I shout it from the rooftops.

11) Tell me about the people in your life. Family? Pets? 

My husband is my biggest supporter (and self-appointed proof-reader). We don't have any children, unfortunately, but I think this was part of the master plan, giving me more time to write.

12) Where do you wish your writing to take you?  

Down this same path. If I can touch even one heart, I call that success. I plan to publish many more books. However, the BIG dream is Book-To-Movie!

13) What did you expect when you joined the Twitter writing community? Did it turn out as expected? 

When I first joined, I had no clue what I was doing. I thought Twitter was something formal and business-like. I now see the Writing Community as one big, wonderful family.

14) Where do you write? 

Anywhere I can.

15) How much time do you dedicate to writing, weekly? 

At least nine hours a week.

16) Do you have other talents?

I used to want to sing! But sadly, no. I'm a great cook though! Cooking is an art, and my "other" love. One day, I'd like to publish a cookbook.

  1. I do not mind when other writers ask for advice. Of course I don't mind! I try to offer as much advice as I can on Twitter on a daily basis.
  2. I’d rather keep to myself!

Barbara Avon is a multi-genre Author. She has written since she was young, pursuing her dreams and vowing to write for as long as she can. She has worked at several different media publications and will continue to publish novels until “her pen runs dry”. In 2018 she won FACES Magazine's "Best of Ottawa" award for female Author and Spillwords "Author of the Month". She believes in paying it forward and you can read about this belief as the theme is given voice in most of her books. Avon lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband, Danny, their tarantula, Betsy, and their houseplant, Romeo.


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