
Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Emily Lane


Helllooooo! If you've got a few minutes,
I've got a few questions!
I creeped on your Twitter, in preparation
(don't panic)
I noticed you've been very open about
mental health.
Yes, very much so.
Do you think your honestly helps your writing?
Usually, yes. Being more open and less
guarded lets me explore areas many people
seem unwilling to address.
You've spoken about a poem you wrote
in high school that originally got an "F",
but was changed to an "A".
In "Sliding Door" terms, do you think the "A"
stayed with you, giving you a fuel for future
poetry endeavors?
I believe so, yes.
That poem encouraged me in multiple ways.
The subject was a photographer at an
airport, waiting for his wife. As he waited, a plane
crashed, and he snapped a bunch of pictures that 
won awards. However, his wife was on the plane,
and all his accolades were posthumous -- 
he killed himself out of grief.
Damn. Pretty freakin' creative.
And dark.
It showed me that I was able to write
about a topic as sensitive as suicide,
and do it in a way that could be accepted
and celebrated.
Wow! That teacher probably has no idea...
Would you explore/use that piece, again?
(Asking mostly because I want to read it!)
I would love to rewrite it, actually
While I love that piece it's very 
obvious it was written by a teenager.
Okay, last question
But it's pretty personal...
Your author photo
That lipstick is fantastic! What color is that?
I honestly have no idea
I was at a makeup class, and ended up
being a guinea pig, and had no idea what
was being put on me. I was happy with the
results, I just wish I'd actually gotten to learn
Thanks for taking the time to do this!
Awesome!! Can't wait to read it.
Thank you for including me!
Of course! Have a good night!
Thanks, you too!


1) Where do you live? 
Cleveland, OH.

2) What is the first thing you remember writing? 
A poem in high school. We had to write a poem in the style of The Canterbury Tales. The student teacher gave me an F, but the regular teacher changed it to an A.

3) Why do you write? 
There are several reasons, really. First and foremost, though, is to use my voice. I struggle with social anxiety and can’t always say what I’d like to, so writing allows me to get my thoughts out more clearly.

4) Have you published any of your work? 
I’ve had individual poems published in anthologies, and in February I published my first collection on KDP.

5) What are you currently writing? 
My main focus right now is revisiting an erotica short story that I originally wrote about a decade ago.

6) Are you currently querying? 

7) Finish this sentence (three lines or less):
IT WAS A DARK AND STORMY NIGHT… and Sarah’s rain soaked hair clung to her cheeks. She wrestled her keys out of her purse, too preoccupied to notice the shadow passing over the door.

8) Which activities do you like to participate in, in the Twitter writing community (VSS365, etc.)? Vss365 is the only one I participate in regularly.

9) Do you have any formal training/education for writing? 
I took an expository prose class and multiple creative writing classes when I was in college, about twenty years ago.

10) Do the people in your life know that you write? 
They know about the poetry. Very few people know about the erotica.

11) Tell me about the people in your life. Family? Pets? 
I have two sons, ages 7 & 9.

12) Where do you wish your writing to take you? 
While I doubt it will ever amount to more than a hobby, it would be pretty great if I could turn it into a career.

13) What did you expect when you joined the Twitter writing community? Did it turn out as expected? 
I wasn’t sure what to expect. I had hoped, at best, to find some other LGBTQ+ writers to connect with. Now, with over 1200 followers, I feel like I truly belong in the writing community as a whole.

14) Where do you write? 
Usually I write in bed. I don’t have a desk or other workspace available, so it’s the most convenient.

15) How much time do you dedicate to writing, weekly? 
My target is at least 14 hours a week.

16) Do you have other talents? 
I am a singer, and have performed in The Vagina Monologues, and hope to do more theater in the future.

  1. I do not mind when other writers ask for advice.
  2. I’d rather keep to myself!
I guess I would choose B only because I don’t have the confidence in myself to give others advice.

Emily Lane is a writer of poetry, essays, and short stories. She released her first poetry collection, "Hollow," in February 2019.She is also a singer with the Cleveland Transgender Choir, and has performed in The Vagina Monologues.

Here is the link for Emily's poetry collection:

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