
Wednesday 3 April 2019

Justin Brice



Hi Justin!
Thanks for taking the time
to do this!
No problem, pleasure
OK, first question. Music seems
to have been a heavy influence.
Do you have particular music that 
really gets the creative juices flowing?
A go-to?
usually rock or 80's metal ... something 
that i grew up with, or takes me back to 
a time

funny story
last weekend my daughter said to me, dad 
did you write a sad part
i asked why, she said you always play the 
counting crows when you are sad
so YES music influences you!
very much so
You grew up around theater, now you 
write for stage and screen?
yes, it's kind of something i fell into. i realized
that the stories i like never got written for the 
Did you ever spend time ON the stage?
i did...
not very good, but enjoyed it
So you're a nurse?
You must work some looong shifts!
10 hr days 4 days a week
in an operating theater
You must see some interesting stuff.
Do you ever use your experiences in 
your written work?
Yes... my current WIP is all about the things
i have seen in my nursing career, coupled
with my relationship with Jocelyn (my wife)
I'll be reading that!
Okay, keeping it short and sweet!
Have a wonderful day!
Will do!
You too!


Where do you live?
I live in the regional city of Albury/Wodonga. We are about 6hrs from Sydney and 3 hrs from Melbourne (driving distance)

What is the first thing you remember writing?

Probably the first thing I remember writing was a short story based on the blue oyster cult song Astronomy. For those that don’t know the song, it has a lot of mystical themes in the song, I wanted to extend on it. I was at work on night shift and tried to keep myself awake, so I just wrote

Why do you write?
I come from a theatrical family, but I found that there was no stories or shows that I liked, so I guess I just started writing myself

Have you published any of your work?

I was fortunate enough to be able to write the official stage adaptation of “The Final Winter”. An indie type film from Australia about Rugby League and how a player approaches what becomes his last week in the game.

What are you currently writing?
I am currently writing a screenplay with a working title of “No Vacancy”. It is about a young couple expecting their first child when their lives are ripped apart by a distracted driver. Jaxon is hit by another car and ends up in the ICU. It follows his treatment, as well as his wife, Carly  remembering their lives prior to the accident.

Finish this sentence (three lines or less):
IT WAS A DARK AND STORMY NIGHT…  The car struggled to stay on the road as the driver fought the steering wheel. He had to deliver. After all, the postman always delivers.

Do you have any formal training/education for writing?
No. I have done a few online courses and courses at night school, but no formal university education in writing

Do the people in your life know that you write?
Yes they do. My wife has become my proof reader

Tell me about the people in your life. Family? Pets?
I was married in August of 1996. Together we have 2 children (Caitlin aged 20 and Corey aged 17) we also have 2 cats and a dog.

12) Where do you wish your writing to take you? I have no expectations, because expectations only lead to disappointment. The fact that I get to write is enough ATM, but should someone feel that a script is worthy of the next level, I’m not going to say no.

What did you expect when you joined the Twitter writing community? Did it turn out as expected?
It has been better than I could have imagined. It is such a supportive environment for writers of all ages, abilities and styles. We ask for and offer advice, encouragement and a friendly ear, it amazes me every day.

Where do you write?
I write in my own little area in the house.

How much time do you dedicate to writing, weekly?
I like to spend at least 1 day each weekend totally devoted to putting pen to paper.


  1. I do not mind when other writers ask for advice. 
    I am happy to help where I feel I can be useful
  2. I’d rather keep to myself!

    Hey there everyone, Im Justin. I have been writing for several years, but due to a family illness I had to step back, but now I am ready to give it a crack again. I am 45 with two adult children and reside down under in Australia. I write for the screen and stage with my greatest achievement so far being the author of the official stage adaptation of the film “The Final Winter” by Matt Nable.
    My current WIP is a screenplay of an original story called “No Vacancy” which ties into my day job, I have been a nurse for over 25 Years.


  1. It's good to meet you, Joe! You're the second screenwriter I've met in the blogosphere lately. Screenwriting is a form I know nothing about. (I'm fiction and poetry.) Hopefully, I can learn something about it!

    1. Argh! I apologize, Justin! (There is nothing worse than calling someone by the wrong name.)
