Monday, 1 June 2020

Monique Berish




1) Where do you live? 

I live in Utah! But I’m from all over the country. I was born in New Jersey, but I’ve lived everywhere from
the deserts of New Mexico to the tundras of Alaska and much of it in between. 

2) What is the first thing you remember writing? 

I started writing a journal when I was a young child. Basically as soon as I learned how to form letters
with a pencil, I’ve been writing. 

3) Why do you write? 

I write because I have to. Even if I stop writing, it just starts bubbling out of me in other ways like posts
on social media etc. I have come to terms with the fact that I will always write. It will not always be books,
but I will always write. 

4) Have you published any of your work? 

I just launched my first novel, More: A Memoir! I have several short stories and some articles coming out
as well. 

5) What are you currently writing? 

I am working on the follow up for my memoir, it is a prequel of sorts. It is the equally gripping story of my
grandmother's trek to the US from war-torn France. It will be a historical fiction based on her stories and
my mother’s. 

6) Are you currently querying?

I am not. I have a publisher, Addept Media. They are a boutique publisher specializing in Latter Day Saint
authors who write inspirational stories that are outside the realm of what traditional LDS publishers accept. 

7) Finish this sentence (three lines or less):

would be the last line I would read before donating the book to my local book nook down the street,
because anything that started out like that is bound to suck. 

8) Which activities do you like to participate in, in the Twitter writing community (VSS365, etc.)? 

I’m brand new to the Twitter writing community!! What activities should I look out for? 
*Let's help Monique out, #Writing Community!

9) Do you have any formal training/education for writing? 

I minored in English Lit with my first bachelors, but other than that, I am a home grown, garden variety
writer. I was lovingly tended by other successful Latter Day Saint authors and the entire Latter Day Saint
writing community. 

10) Do the people in your life know that you write?

There is no way to not know. If I am not at my nursing job, I am writing. 

11) Tell me about the people in your life. Family? Pets?

I have three amazing children who came to me that way. I did nothing. They were born awesome. We have
one dog, a rescue, who also turned out to be the sweetest, most well adjusted dog I’ve ever had.
I am divorced, and loving my single life. 

12) Where do you wish your writing to take you? 

That’s a strange question. I plan on steering that ship, not the other way around. I plan to write. And I plan
to publish. And if people buy my stuff, that is absolutely awesome. But if they don’t it will have no impact
on if I embark on my next project. I’m not writing to be rich or famous. I’m writing because I don’t have a
choice. I also already have my dream job so writing is my side gig. It’s a luxury I recognize is not afforded
to most. And I am grateful. 

13) What did you expect when you joined the Twitter writing community? Did it turn out as expected?

I am still so new, I don’t think I can answer this yet. I was on Twitter many years ago, but I didn’t know
about the writing community then, and my experience was less than stellar. However, since then I have
heard really good things and I am looking forward to seeing what I’ve been missing. 

14) Where do you write? 

Right now, I write in my bed. That is bad. Do not do that. Beds are for two things: sleep and sex.
Other than that you should not be doing it in bed. It messes with your sleep patterns. I have a desk that
I need to set up, but life is crazy and it’s languishing on my to-do list.

15) How much time do you dedicate to writing, weekly?

About 6-8 hours Monday - Wednesday. Then I work my full time job Thursday - Saturday. Sunday is for the Lord. 

16) Do you have other talents? 

Yes. Psych is my passion. I’ve worked in the field for 20+ years. Currently I’m a psychiatric nurse. There
was a short stint I took off to stay home and have some babies, but even then I still kept up on the latest
research and followed the industry closely. 

  1. I do not mind when other writers ask for advice. I don’t mind, but my advice is worth what you pay for it. What works for me, may not be effective for you. Especially considering this is not my day job. 
  2. I’d rather keep to myself!

Monique Berish is a Board Certified Psychiatric Nurse with more than 20 years experience, including crisis intervention at all levels of psychiatric care from outpatient to involuntary, inpatient hospitalization. She holds a BA in psychology, a BSN in nursing, and a Masters in Education. She has published articles on various mental health topics and consulted as a psychiatric and mental health expert for multiple publications. 

Monique's Memoir Can be Found on Her Website: 

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