Hi Michael!
I'm going to ask my first question for theinterview. Answer when you can.
First: What was the theme of that first
published poem?
Oh my! That was my junior year of hight
school 1991. I can't remember what the
theme was. Not sure I would call it
published, it was in the local university
I'd call it published! So cool!
Did this lead to more confidence for continuing
to write?
It was for a while, then as I graduated I
went away for my writing almost
completely. It was several years later
when I wrote anything that even
resembled actual writing, lol.
It takes some of us a while to figure out what
kind of writing we're supposed to be doing.
What inspired you to write again?
I read the Percy Jackson series and it
sparked everything!
Wow! I love that!
OK, last one:
You've mentioned that you work a lot of hours. What
do you do during those long shifts?
My day job? I work for the world's largest
playground manufacturer
@gametimeplay [Twitter handle]
I build playgrounds.
I've never met someone who builds
playgrounds! You're the first 👍
Thanks for taking the time to do this!
Thank you!
1) Where do you live?
I live in Fort Payne, AL with my family.
2) What is the first thing you remember writing?
The first thing I remember writing was a poem for my 10th grade English class. The teacher sent it to the local university and had it published in their newsletter.
3) Why do you write?
I write because stories need to be told.
4) Have you published anything, yet?
I have published two YA books and a children's book. (The Bad Seed: Battle for the Heavens, The Key of Knowledge & Oswald the Onion Finds a Friend)
5) What are you currently working on?
I am currently working on the sequels to both YA novels and several more children's books.
6) Are you currently querying?
I am not querying.
7) Complete this sentence:
It was a dark and stormy night...
The moon hung high in the cold night sky, bathing the patch of woods in deep moonlight. The glimmer of wings flutter from tree to tree, twinkling like glitter being poured out of a jar. Tonight was a night to rejoice.
8) Do you have any formal literary training?
I do not have any formal training or education in the writing field. I just love telling stories.
9) Do the people in your life know you write?
Oh, yes! I try to tell as many people as I can! They are very supportive of me.
10) Tell us a little about the people in your life.
I have been married to the love of my life, April for almost 25 years. I have a daughter named Christian and a dog named Madison.
11) Where would you like your writing to take you?
I would love for my writing to be a supplement when I retire. I mean, if Hollywood wants to talk movie rights and let me retire now, I'm all for that too!
12) What did you expect when you joined the Twitter writing community? Did it turn out as expected?
I joined Twitter mainly as a way to promote myself as a brand and author, but have found so much more! The writing community on Twitter is wonderful!
I joined Twitter mainly as a way to promote myself as a brand and author, but have found so much more! The writing community on Twitter is wonderful!
13) Where do you write?
Since I work my day job so much, I usually write in notebooks there.
Since I work my day job so much, I usually write in notebooks there.
14) How much time do you dedicate to writing, weekly?
As much as I can, lol.
As much as I can, lol.
15) Do you have other talents?
I wish I did!!
- I do not mind when other writers ask for advice.
- I’d rather keep to myself!
A 1000 times A. I absolutely love when other writers ask for advice. I try my best to help in any way I can.
It's good to meet you, Michael! It sounds as though you're having fun with your writing, which is the best way to do it. Best wishes for continued success!