1) Where do you live?
I live in Algeria (North Africa).
2) What is the first thing you remember writing?
I remember writing short stories as a kid, some of them: “The Forgotten Promise”, “Poor Brother and Rich Brother”, “Patience is Key to Relief”.
3) Why do you write?
Because it's the only way I can escape from reality, express my feelings, and put them on paper. Plus poetry is life for me. As I always say, “You breathe through oxygen, I breathe through poetry.”
4) Have you published any of your work?
Yes, I have some websites, on which I share my poetry. I have some on YouTube and on my blog, plus some on my social media, such as Twitter and IG.
5) What are you currently writing?
Currently I'm working on my poetry book, “In the World of Poetry”, which I hope to publish soon.
6) Which activities do you like to participate in, in the Twitter writing community (VSS365, etc.)?
I like to participate in vss365, vsspic (which I created, and wouldn’t have worked as well, without my friend’s help), vsspoem and PBF (I love this challenge. It's created by @JDGreysonwrites).
7) Do you have any formal training/education for writing?
No, I'm a technical major student. Writing has just been as a hobby for me, but now it's much more. The information i'm getting about writing is either from my friends on Twitter, or through my research on google.
8) Do the people in your life know that you write?
They didn't have any idea, until I participated in a competition at school and qualified to the semi finals. Then they realized so now they know that I write, but they don't know anything about my writings
9) Tell me about the people in your life. Family? Pets?
My parents are teachers in primary school, and Ii have three sisters. Two are older, and one is my twin sister. I have no pets since my mom hates them lol. My oldest sister is an engineering student, too (civil engineering). This is her last year at college, while it's my first😌. My second sister has left school, but is taking online classes. My twin sister is still in high school, since she failed when we were in middle school, unfortunately. We all live together. Big family huh!
10) Where do you wish your writing to take you?
I just wish my writing to be read by many people around the world, and mostly to be understood. Each poem I write has an important message. I want people to understand, and mostly to learn something, from reading it. This is my writing goal.
11) What did you expect when you joined the Twitter writing community? Did it turn out as expected?
I actually didn't expect much. I thought it would just be like any other # on Twitter, but I'm really surprised by the very supportive people there. I wasn't thinking of writing that much, and wasn't even writing that much. But since I joined the community, a lot has changed. I'm now working on my book, and planning to publish more of my work and show it to the world. I'm taking writing more seriously now. So, it's just great!
12) Where do you write?
I actually write everywhere, sinceI always have many ideas in mind. Usually in my room but I write everywhere: when I'm on the road, on the bus, in the library, in the kitchen, even in the shower I have ideas lol.
13) How much time do you dedicate to writing, weekly?
I write for about an hour or two each day. So that would be 7 hours a week, or 14 hours when two hours a day!
14) Do you have other talents?
I actually wish I did lol. If It's about art, etc, no, I don’t think I'm good at anything else, except writing. But i'm good at some other things, though, like maths and physics (that's probably not a talent lol, but since my major is technical I have to be good at those). I'm also good at languages. I can speak more than two, and I'm learning more, since I'm very interested in languages. I think this is it...
- I do not mind when other writers ask for advice.
- I’d rather keep to myself!
- When I have an answer for their question, I'd definitely want to share it and help!
I'm an 18-year-old engineering student (1st year). I'm very interested in writing (especially poetry, and I sometimes write stories). Planning for my novel soon.